What a silly question. . . . we sew because we love it. But did you ever ask yourself why you love it? I have a couple thoughts on the subject. Let me know yours.
I believe those of us of a certain age have sewn for most of our lives. Yes, we may have taken a break from sewing as we struggled to keep the home fires burning while working full time; but at some point, we found ourselves drawn back to our sewing machines. I have given this a lot of thought and for me; sewing is an outlet for my need to be creative. I need to be making or designing or creating ”something”. I’ve gone through periods of garment sewing then moved to craft sewing then tried quilt making and have now returned to garment sewing. I have returned to garment sewing as a direct result of attending workshops given by Judy Kessinger – FitNice System creator. Need I say more? I have been able to reacquaint myself with the joy of designing and producing garments. Judy’s system has allowed a whole boatload of us to return to our former passion of garment sewing. She’s also attracting a new generation to the joys of design and fit. Check out her Facebook page “FitNice Sewing Sisters” if you doubt me.
I’m not sure if it’s a girl thing or if all humans have an innate need to create. If allowed to bloom, creativity can spark a whole new chapter in your life. Take the time to look at fabric. Try to imagine what it wants to become. Let the siren fabric speak to you. Once again, Judy’s system lets you enjoy the design process by taking the angst and stress out of sewing. Anyone who has attended her workshops will agree with me that it’s much more rewarding to see design ideas become garments than it is to be tops in your class at zipper insertion. Can I get an “Amen”?
Please, please, please find a moment to rediscover your passion for creativity. I don’t care if you sew for yourself or for others, but find your passion and follow it. If you don’t like to sew anymore, ask yourself why? Maybe you need to rethink why or where you lost “it” and maybe you will rediscover the spark that can ignite your sewing love again. Go for it; it’s out there just waiting for you.